Saturday, February 18, 2012


Hey all,

I know I haven't updated in ages, which I suppose is classic blog-syndrome.

Anyhow, lots of things have been going on so I think if I can I want to update more as I learn new things.

New Pursuits: Banjo, Knitting, and Novel Writing.

The inspiration for this update is the novel. Maybe a cliche, but I would like to try my hand at writing a novel. I have hundreds of ideas swirling around in my head all the time, and after researching into it, and considering how much I love writing, I think it is high-time I gave it a go. So anyway I hope to update this blog with what I find/struggle with/enjoy/discover/etc. as I pursue a dream that I've always kept dusty in a corner.

Right now I am reading through this website to get me started on the more practical side of novel writing. :) Enjoy!

Current Projects:
My very first knit project-a scarf in a beautiful autumn orange/brown
Learning "I'll Fly Away" on Banjo
Beginning a fantasty novel-brainstorming and research stage
"Wolves" drawing commission for Adam Miller
